D&D Forums - MyBB Plugins & Themes
Some help needed with emerald theme - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: Some help needed with emerald theme (/showthread.php?tid=837)

Some help needed with emerald theme - letsearn - 03-10-2019


We have just installed the Emerald theme to our forum and after installing the theme the plugins which we had are not working Plugin 1- Thank You/Like System (3.2.0), Plugin 2- My Advertisements (2.3.2) 

And also some images are showing no image logo screenshot : http://prntscr.com/mvupm6 | http://prntscr.com/mvupwp

Also wanted to know how we can allow users to add the images/avatar so it doesn't look like this in their profile: http://prntscr.com/mvuqt6

Thank you

Also forgot that how we can remove the white part from the footer http://prntscr.com/mvv0ic

RE: Some help needed with emerald theme - letsearn - 03-10-2019

After changing to Emerald i just noticed that now i am not able to login to my own website? it gives this warning no matter if i register new account or login (Authorization code mismatch. Are you accessing this function correctly? Please go back and try again.)

RE: Some help needed with emerald theme - AmazOuz - 03-15-2019

Please install the plugins AFTER you install the theme, because the plugins make edits on the templates.