D&D Forums - MyBB Plugins & Themes
Emerald Theme - Edit Button Broken - Printable Version

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Emerald Theme - Edit Button Broken - ThistleProse - 01-30-2018


I'm using the Emerald Theme, with some editing. I moved the post control buttons from the bottom of the post to the top, and  now the Edit button either doesn't work at all, or the options pop up halfway down the thread.

I'm not sure how to fix this.

I've set up a temporary account

Username: Edit Guest
Pass: bananasplit

All the other buttons work the way they are supposed to, but not the edit button.

Any assistance would be spectacular!

Test Thread

(I also posted this on the MyBB support forums. I didn't realise you had your own forum for support until I dug a little deeper :)  )

RE: Emerald Theme - Edit Button Broken - AmazOuz - 01-31-2018

Your forum is down, i can't access it, it stops at loading.

RE: Emerald Theme - Edit Button Broken - ThistleProse - 02-03-2018

That is strange, it works fine for me as both a member and a guest.


I'm not sure why it wouldn't be working for you :/

RE: Emerald Theme - Edit Button Broken - AmazOuz - 02-04-2018

I didn't get what's the problem. Also it's ugly what you did for the buttons also :3 (http://prntscr.com/i9x2uh)
So i suggest you to import the theme again and copy the specific templates for the buttons you've edited, it is better.

RE: Emerald Theme - Edit Button Broken - ThistleProse - 02-05-2018

1. As I said, the Edit button doesn't work. When I click on the 'Edit' option, it does not bring up the drop menu. I would like to know how to fix this.

2. I'm not looking for, nor interested in, opinions on the layout. I simply wish for help fixing the Edit button pop up.

RE: Emerald Theme - Edit Button Broken - AmazOuz - 02-05-2018

If you don't want to revert the buttons to the original then tell me exactly how did you edit the templates so i can know the edits and what's the problem. And please speak kindly, i'm interested in helping you just because we'd like to, otherwise other forums are making paid support, we are contributing plugins and themes + free support just to help users of our contributions.
Thank you

RE: Emerald Theme - Edit Button Broken - ThistleProse - 02-06-2018

For the edit, all I did was shift the location of the button code. I did not make any other changes; This is the code:
<a name="pid{$post['pid']}" id="pid{$post['pid']}"></a>
<div class="post classic {$unapproved_shade}" style="{$post_visibility}" id="post_{$post['pid']}">
<div class="post_flexible">
<div class="post_author scaleimages">
    <center><strong><span class="largetext">{$post['profilelink']}</span></strong> {$post['onlinestatus']}{$post['authorchange']}</center>
    <div class="author_information">
            <span class="smalltext">
                {$post['usertitle']}<br />
    <div class="author_statistics">

<div class="post_content">
    <div class="post_head">
        <br /><center><span class="post_date"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> {$post['postdate']} <span class="post_edit" id="edited_by_{$post['pid']}">{$post['editedmsg']}</span></span>
        <br /> <div class="postbit_buttons post_management_buttons">
    <div class="post_body scaleimages" id="pid_{$post['pid']}">
    <div class="post_meta" id="post_meta_{$post['pid']}" align="right">
        <div class="post_controls">
    <div class="postbit_buttons author_buttons float_left">

Additionally, I'm not the one who offered unkind ('ugly') opinions that weren't asked for, so I'm not sure I'm the one who needs to 'speak kindly'. I was frank, but I was not rude. I appreciate the help, and I am thankful for it. I simply don't want any opinions on anything else.

RE: Emerald Theme - Edit Button Broken - AmazOuz - 02-06-2018

I'll search the solution in my free time. About the opinion, i said that because i found the background and the color beautiful, but the buttons were a problem for the beauty, it's an advice from a designer to improve your theme, i even added a ":3" smiley as it was not as serious as you took it.

RE: Emerald Theme - Edit Button Broken - ThistleProse - 02-15-2018

Thank you!

RE: Emerald Theme - Edit Button Broken - AmazOuz - 02-15-2018

Can you please create a thread in MyBB Support for this issue ? Because the problem is related to your edits which are wrong, and not to the theme, so i cannot know what's going on exactly.
Thanks for your understanding