D&D Forums - MyBB Plugins & Themes
How to remove the Banner-Biggest.png on my forum - Printable Version

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How to remove the Banner-Biggest.png on my forum - Le Grég - 11-28-2023


I have download and i prepare my forum for my website and i would to delete the "Banner-Biggest.png" logo under the principal header.

It's possible or not ? Paid or free ?

If it's possible, how i do it ?

Thank you and good end of day (I'm sorry but my english is not very good ahah)

The Grég

RE: How to remove the Banner-Biggest.png on my forum - AmazOuz - 12-05-2023

Hello Greg Smile
You can do it for free, just go to the "Header Templates" of the Emerald Templates, then choose the template "header". You will find a code which looks like <a><img src="BANNER LINK" /></a>, just delete it and it will be okay Wink